Thursday, February 26, 2009
Mom & Titi Ely's Visit
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
It's Finally Over!

Welcome to MOPP 4. This is how we have to gear up in the event of a chemical/biological attack. Just in case you didn't know, it is HOT inside of these things. And if you have even the slightest hint of claustrophobia, you'd probably go stark raving mad and rip the whole outfit off, gas mask and all.
Not to mention the fact that you sweat like a pig in that get-up. Ew. You don't want to know what some of us looked like at the end of our shifts. Believe me when I say that I took great joy in coming home each morning and showering for a LONG time before going to sleep. And now that freedom is mine again (sort of, LOL) it is time for me to catch up on all the schoolwork I missed while trapped in that suit!
The good news is the kids and I have not been alone, although Isaiah is still deployed. At the beginning of the month, my mom and Titi Ely (her sister from Puerto Rico) flew out here to keep me company, help with the kids while I was working, and to have some fun on the island! It has truly been a blessing having them here - I actually feel kind of spoiled, because only my mom could pamper me like this. I am so used to being the person who does everything in the house - the meals, the cleaning, the chauffeuring and refereeing of kids - that it is sheer luxury to wake up and have someone hand me a cup of Bustelo and say that everyone is accounted for!
I have to get back to a paper I am supposed to be writing at the moment, but I still have a lot to share and some great pics to post. So hopefully I will have some more updates in the next week for you to check out!