Sunday, February 3, 2008

I Have Entered the Realm of Temper Tantrums

Yup, it's been one of those weeks. While Amir and Johnny have been well-behaved, Isabella has discovered the beginnings of that disturbing phenomenon known as "the temper tantrum." This is entirely foreign territory for me, as I truly do not recall experiencing that with the boys. In all fairness, that is probably because I was working and they went to daycare during those years - so the likelihood is that their daycare provider got to handle those. But this child of mine - bless her independent little heart - has decided that she wants to act a fool when she doesn't get her way. Falling out on the floor, legs scissor-kicking in the air, you name it...all while howling like a banshee. I have never been so frustrated in my life! Isn't that supposed to happen when they turn two? Fellow mothers of the world, feel free to send me your advice...needless to say, I will be SO glad to have Isaiah home from Thailand this week!

Other than that, we are doing fine. Amir's basketball game was a success, with a final score of 24-18. Johnny is his usual happy-go-lucky self, going about his business without a care in the world. And I am counting down until next weekend, because one of my very close friends is coming out to visit. We met in the military and have been tight ever since. I am definitely looking forward to getting to hit the beach and the stores with her - we always have a blast together!


Bess said...

Oh, girl...welcome to the life of having a little one who has discovered the power of the tantrum! Danae started hers before age 2 as well...but, if you know how to handle them, they can go away! Really! :) But, I think that the solution is individual to each child, so you just have to figure out what makes her stop (ignoring her, holding her, sending her to sit alone, etc.). There's gotta be a solution! :)

Pretty in Pink said...

Oh boy, can i relate. Kaeli has done everything early in life, and that included temper tantrums. And now that she talks so well, she not only screams, but talks back, etc. I do the "three strikes and your out" rule. also, time out in the corner. i even get down to her level to look eyes to eyes and talk her through it sometimes. other times, i would sing a song to calm her down. different things work for different situations.