Told ya' it was just took me a minute to actually get on the computer long enough to type something! Fresh of the heels of a card game, I am waiting for some laundry to finish drying (because we all know I cannot sleep if things aren't finished before I go to bed), and since everyone else is already knocked out, there is no better time than the present for some updates. So, beginning with the most recent excursion of the week, I would like to introduce you to a most entertaining new friend of mine:
I kind of wondered if Isa would attempt to climb on one of these little guys and try to ride them around, but she was content to pat him on the head and say "ni-i-i-i-i-ice" in a surprisingly soothing voice. I was just glad she didn't bonk him on the head and try to take him home!
I could probably bore you to tears and post a lot more pictures, but since you have all likely been to a zoo at some point in your lives, I won't sear your poor corneas with things you have already seen before. So I will leave you with one cute pic of Papa with his grandkids...Alright, Pali Lookout is what we would usually call a "scenic overlook" off of 295 out in Jersey, but it's really much more than that - like most places here in Hawaii, it has been the location of some crazy historical events. Rather than give myself Carpal Tunnel syndrome by typing it all out, I cheated and took a picture so you can read for yourself what happened there:
The picture was really much bigger when I viewed it on my computer...but if you can't read it, the story takes place in the late 1700's and ends with a bunch of Hawaiian warriors being forced off the end of this cliff:
That drop looks like it would really, really hurt. But the view is spectacular, though!
Much nicer than thinking about a bunch of warriors going over the edge of a cliff, right? Oh, did I mention that according to historical information, a bunch of them jumped (on purpose) to avoid being captured? By the time you finish reading these posts, you won't need to come to Hawaii to get an education in historical events, haha.....
...and on we go to excursion #3, our visit to the USS Arizona:

Now, I know that I was supposed to tell you all about our trip to the North Shore and Dole Plantation as well, but I think this post is already long enough. No need for me to strain your eyesight any further today (wink, wink). So as we say in the military, stand-by to stand-by! Installment #3 will be arriving soon! I leave you with a pair of happy viejos:
Awww....aren't they cute? : )
Hey girl;
Thank you for the excurtion of Hawaii, I guess thatis as much as i will see of that beautiful state. I am so glad Ray and carmen are having a good time. My love to all.
Love Aunt Irta
You all look wonderful, and I'm so glad you are enjoying your parents to the fullest! Thanks for the updates, and keep them coming! :) They make me want to be there!!!
awesome, awesome, awesome. Looks like everyone is having fun. Your kids look great, too!
Hello gang! wow - Hawaii is beautiful indeed. Looks like your parents are having alot of rest, fun and I know they are going to miss you guys in such a hard way. Wow. Well, thank God they are able to visit and just enjoy life with their children and grandchildren. The kids look so big! Wow. Thanks for the update. My love, hugs and kisses to all of you.
Titi Maria Rosario
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