Friday, January 25, 2008

Thank Goodness It's Friday!

En route to the Shoppette to get some icees for the kids....and some Sangria for me!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Another Day, Another TDY!

I think I have gotten spoiled. For the past month, Ike has been home here with the kids and I. That's probably the norm for most households, but in ours, it's a world record! So naturally I took full advantage - went to the movies with my friends, did some shopping...took way longer than usual at the commissary, took a bunch of unecessary trips to the BX, and all because I could just pick up and go without worrying about anything. Well, now he is off on another TDY (Temporary Duty for the non-military folks) and I am back to being the sole ruler of the kingdom in his absence. And of course, while that absence comes with a few perks (less laundry, less cooking!) the errand quotient has risen significantly. I am presently trying not to lose my mind while shuffling between basketball practices, school projects, homework, the typical sibling name it. These are the days when I marvel at how my mother seemed to manage all of us without seeming to break a sweat while my father would be on his TDY's when we were younger. Hey Mom, if you're reading this, I just want to tell you one thing: YOU ROCK!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Our Football Player

The football season for Johnny has come to an end, and what a phenomenal one it was! His team, the Hickam Tigers, finished their season virtually undefeated. Johnny did an outstanding job as both wide receiver and defensive lineman, although I think he preferred the latter simply for the opportunity to tackle someone. His team was SO blessed to have an interactive coach who truly enjoyed teaching children. Big shout out to Coach Jayson for his dedication! The kids had sleepovers, barbecues, and are even going to the Pro Bowl together in February, which is a BIG deal here. They will get to meet the players, attend the warm-up sessions, and then watch the big game.
And as if you couldn't tell by the beautiful ocean in the background, they took their pictures right on the beach near our of the perks of living in Hawaii!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Attack of Dora! (With a Side Lesson on Sharing)

I said it would never happen...and it finally has. (Cue the music: dum, da-dum, dum!) What, you ask? Well, I was driving down the highway today with our daughter Isabella, listening to one of my CD's, when this one song came on called "Che Che Colé." If you have ever heard it, you know it has the kind of beat that makes you want to dance and sing along. So, I open my mouth to start singing, but instead of the lyrics, I burst out with:

"Do-do-do-do-Dora! Do-do-do-do-Dora!"

Yup, I guess it's a matter of public record now - Dora the Explorer has managed to permeate my psyche. The mornings of watching her while cuddling with Isabella have worn down my iron wall of resistance, and she has now officially invaded my home, LOL. I now find myself humming along to those catchy songs on her cartoon and repeating little sayings from the show - I can't help it, it's addictive! Oh, the clever art of marketing...we have all been sucked in and now, Dora paraphernalia is popping up all over the house. As you can see below, our living room is now graced by the presence of the "Dora Chair," where Isabella sits and reigns over her toy subjects:

Did I mention that it plays music, as well? More to hum along to, I figure....and fellow mothers of the world, I imagine that some of you are chuckling at me right now and I don't blame you one bit! It was bound to happen sooner or later!

Moving on to another subject....we have been finding some success in our quest to teach Isabella about sharing with others. Since I am the one who is home with her during the day, I usually am the lucky recipient of her efforts. This is what happened when I asked her for some of her snack:

She then proceeded to get up from her chair and feed me some of the snack from her bowl. I give her an "A" for effort and enthusiasm!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Birthdays and Basketball Games

Being that we started this blog after the New Year, we missed the opportunity to share a milesone in the life of one of our children. So, we would like to recognize our oldest son's birthday! Amir Andrew turned 11 years old on the 27th of December, and according to him, it was a VERY momentous occasion. When we asked him what made this particular birthday so "momentous," his words were, "because I am almost a teen-ager, Mami and Papi!" And that actually jolted us a bit...because he is right! I am starting to feel old, LOL.....

Today also marked the beginning of the basketball season for his team, the Hickam Suns. They played their first game this afternoon. Although the other team emerged victorious, I have to give him and his teammates kudos for a game well-played. The final score was 14-11, for all you sports enthusiasts out there : )

Friday, January 11, 2008

You Gotta' Love Computers!

Okay, we are not exactly novices in the computer arena, but I am always surprised by the very cool things you can do with some pictures and a good computer program. Isaiah's father came to Hawaii and spent some quality time with us over the Christmas holiday, and being that we are all picture fiends, took a bunch of photos with his supremely multi-functional cell phone/PDA/MP3 player....well, it does pretty much everything but cook your dinner, if you get my drift. Anyway, he loaded them onto his Mac and emailed us this attachment:

I almost fell out of my chair laughing...not good when you are drinking your evening cup of Bustelo! This definitely tickled my funny bone - the inevitable result of growing up with comic-book collecting brothers and being married to a man who has our storage area stacked with boxes of comics himself!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Just Sharing...

Since this blog is intended not only for family updates, but also for personal insights and such, I thought I would share with you some things I have dealt with as of late. I am usually so critical of anything I write that I tend to simply delete whatever I type out when I am finished, but in the interest of embracing my "inner therapist" I guess I will type freely!

Anyway...I was thinking about how life can ever so quietly change up on a person without them even realizing it. Despite extensive traveling for sometimes extended periods of time, up until 2006 I had always been blessed to reside fairly close to my family and some close friends. Then we PCS'd (Permanent Change of Station) to another duty station....12 hours away (and that's by plane!) from everything that was familiar! For a person who thrives in an environment where things follow a schedule, and does not like to lose control of her circumstances, it is safe to say that a whole other side of me came out during the adjustment process - one who found fault in everything, and was constantly unhappy. In retrospect, I realize that much of my unhappiness was an outright unwillingness to accept my circumstances - and the unexpected feeling as if I were suddenly all alone in the world. It has taken countless ups and downs, a couple of years, and the influence of some very special people in my life to bring about a change that I never saw coming. As cliche as it may sound, I know that God has steadily kept his hand on me and my family; using the good, but more importantly, the difficult times to draw me nearer. I can now look back at the person I was then, compare her to the person I am now, and be pleasantly surprised; for the whole experience has in many ways molded me into someone who may be a work in progress, but is aspiring to be better and better everyday!

I guess that difference has never been as evident to me as now, when it seems as if the lines between genuine friendships and relationships are no longer blurred, but rather, brought sharply into focus. You begin to see that the person you used to be, who may have been younger and rebellious and maybe even a bit self-destructive, is no longer driving your actions; they have been replaced with a more responsible and grown-up person whose priorities are in another area, with a different direction in life. And when confronted with those kinds of pivotal changes, you wonder - sometimes sadly - where do I belong? My father has always reinforced to me that when you embark on a path that isn't too popular with others, you can feel like a stranger, or outsider, in the world where you were once so comfortable. I don't think I ever knew how true that statement could be until now!

Believe that I am in no way professing to be a person who is perfect; rather, I struggle with my own insecurities and shortcomings SO frequently. I am a self described (and well known to those who love me) control freak. I like for things to be nice and neat and organized and have some degree of predictability/stability, and that applies to everything from my home to my relationships to my work. That, obviously, has hindered some of my attempts to evolve into the kind of person I would love to be. You know the kind of people I am talking about; the ones who you meet and they just completely enthrall you with the "aura" (okay, Rick James moment) they project. The folks who seem to always have control of their emotions; they almost never lose their temper, rarely fuss with their husbands, are ever so patient with their children, etc, etc, etc...they manage their homes effortlessly, it seems, and always have a smile on their face. The very epitome of peace, love, kindness....these wonderful attributes....then you have me, who strives for this kind of "perfection", but never quite makes it or sustains for too long. I lose my temper on a daily basis, have to pray up insanely extra measures of patience with my children, have at least five "is this my life?" moments each day, and occasionally, wonder how my husband can put up with me?!

But the great, great thing about it all? The knowledge that God knows all of my struggles and insecurities and shortcomings - and loves me anyway. For a person who has rebelled as much as I have, that kind of reassurance is staggering - at times, it takes my breath away! When I question where life is taking me, especially during the sad and lonely moments, I know that He will give me the grace to persevere. And most incredible, when I really stop and think about it, is that everything in my life has had a time and purpose, with everything (even the mistakes) being turned around for good, with the intention to lead me where I am meant to be. One of my favorite verses in the Bible says "I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future." Despite my failures, I can wholeheartedly say that there is no better balm for your hurts when you have to face the things life can throw at you.

And, of course, there is another blessing - the discovery of people in your life who will be true to you no matter what. The ones who give you that haven of unconditional love and security, and have your genuine best interests at heart. I am realizing that life has a way of weeding out the people who are toxic to your growth, and that despite the hurt that accompanies that kind of loss, God will provide people to be your rock and encouragement. It amazes me that the ones who end up supporting you have often been there all along - you just didn't notice!

Another TSgt in the house!

Yesterday afternoon, we attended a base-wide ceremony during which Isaiah was recognized for his promotion to E-6, or TSgt in the Air Force world. It was a pivotal moment for him, as that is one of the more difficult ranks to achieve on the AF career ladder. The ceremony was especially poignant, as his mother Gloria Jean was able to fly in from Georgia and attend. With her on one side, and the children and I on the other, we helped him pin on his new stripe!

Afterwards, we celebrated with his commander and some of our dear friends who were in attendance. In true Hawaiian style, the guys threw their hands up into a "shaka" and shared some Aloha spirit!

All in all, it was a wonderful day and we were proud to be a part of it. It's a really great thing when you get to see all of the hard work a person has invested come to fruition. Congratulations, Isaiah!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Testing the Waters

As evident by our bare page, Isaiah and I are new to the blogging world! My cousins set the precedent with their pages, and we think it is a great idea for keeping in touch with the family and dear friends we have scattered across the globe. As part of a dedicated military family, it can be challenging to share aspects of our lives with our loved ones due to distance and time differences - you can imagine what an appealing solution this is for us! So, beautiful people, feel free to check us out as we each attempt to learn the art of blogging - we will do our best to keep you informed on our lives with pictures, stories, and updates!