Friday, January 18, 2008

Our Football Player

The football season for Johnny has come to an end, and what a phenomenal one it was! His team, the Hickam Tigers, finished their season virtually undefeated. Johnny did an outstanding job as both wide receiver and defensive lineman, although I think he preferred the latter simply for the opportunity to tackle someone. His team was SO blessed to have an interactive coach who truly enjoyed teaching children. Big shout out to Coach Jayson for his dedication! The kids had sleepovers, barbecues, and are even going to the Pro Bowl together in February, which is a BIG deal here. They will get to meet the players, attend the warm-up sessions, and then watch the big game.
And as if you couldn't tell by the beautiful ocean in the background, they took their pictures right on the beach near our of the perks of living in Hawaii!

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