"Do-do-do-do-Dora! Do-do-do-do-Dora!"
Yup, I guess it's a matter of public record now - Dora the Explorer has managed to permeate my psyche. The mornings of watching her while cuddling with Isabella have worn down my iron wall of resistance, and she has now officially invaded my home, LOL. I now find myself humming along to those catchy songs on her cartoon and repeating little sayings from the show - I can't help it, it's addictive! Oh, the clever art of marketing...we have all been sucked in and now, Dora paraphernalia is popping up all over the house. As you can see below, our living room is now graced by the presence of the "Dora Chair," where Isabella sits and reigns over her toy subjects:

Moving on to another subject....we have been finding some success in our quest to teach Isabella about sharing with others. Since I am the one who is home with her during the day, I usually am the lucky recipient of her efforts. This is what happened when I asked her for some of her snack:
She then proceeded to get up from her chair and feed me some of the snack from her bowl. I give her an "A" for effort and enthusiasm!
OH MY GOODNESS, YES! Thank God I'm not the only one who finds myself humming Dora songs during the day, even when the show isn't on. Oh and yes, everything here seems to be Dora: blankets, kitchen (hers, not mine) :), etc. Let's enjoy it while it lasts, because it won't be like this for long!!! :)
Dora has enveloped our lives as well. Kaeli calls Dora her best friend, and Diego her boyfriend!
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